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Marijuana is often referred to as a soft drug and the popular view is that it is harmless and definitely better for you than alcohol and cigarettes.
Marijuana has many names: Dope, Weed, Cannabis, Zol, Dagga, Spliff, Blunt, Ganja and Mary Jane. It is the most widely used illicit drug worldwide.
Considering the calming and relaxing effect the substance has on its users, it is understandable that many marijuana users believe that the drug is enlightening and even beneficial.
It may not take too long to become an addict, but recovery takes a lifetime.
Rehab definitely isn’t for the faint-hearted and especially for the ones who incorrectly assume it will be an easy walk in the park.
Drug and alcohol rehabilitation involves an immense amount of self-discipline and dedication to break the habit.
We can help.
Information on substance abuse, the different types of substance abuse drugs and the effects they have on their user is not always easily available.
The topic of substance abuse, the different types of substance abuse drugs and the effects they have on their user plays a vital role in educating and informing both the younger generation and older generation on the dangers and risks of drug abuse.This article deals with Meth (tik) addiction and its treatment.
At Step Away Treatment Centre we aim to help equip individuals in making educated decisions about alcohol and drug abuse by sharing facts about substance abuse.
At Step Away clients voluntarily enter a safe and secure facility in which an intensive substance abuse rehabilitation programme is the cornerstone of the client’s daily activities.
Often we meet clients who have attempted out-patient rehabs in PE but have found themselves relapsing into substance abuse thereafter. Most of these clients achieve success however through the Step Away Treatment Centre’s residential programme which is situated in Bluewater Bay, Port Elizabeth.
Addiction and dependency can be shattering when it comes to relationships, it is however possible to rebuild trust.
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