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Posts Tagged ' heroin'

We are pleased to present below all posts tagged with ' heroin'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

It’s time to talk about Codeine Addiction – SA’s silent dependence

Codeine is a moderately strong opiate drug that is used to manage physical pain as a result of conditions such as arthritis, migraines and severe headaches or to relieve pain after surgeries.

When codeine is broken down by the body it turns into morphine which is a much stronger painkiller from the opioid family and is used in the manufacture of heroin.

Drugs in Pop Culture - What your child knows about drug abuse

It’s no secret that drugs in pop culture has a heavy influence in our society.

Watch a movie or turn on the radio and you will probably see or hear something about drug abuse.

Unfortunately, the consequences of drug abuse aren’t always portrayed accurately in pop culture.

Substance Abuse – Another warning about Ritalin Abuse

When people talk about substance abuse or drug abuse, they generally refer to harder, potent drugs such as Cocaine, Tik or Heroin.

Understandably so, as these drugs are illegal, and they do cause drug addiction, and we know they can cause serious physical, mental and psychological harm to users.


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