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Posts Tagged 'Addiction'

We are pleased to present below all posts tagged with 'Addiction'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Addiction and Isolation are Closely Connected

Addiction and isolation are very closely related. Sometimes feelings of isolation can cause a person to turn to substance abuse, while long-term substance abuse and addiction can further exacerbate isolation.

This can easily lead a person feeling completely detached from the people around them, overall society and even themselves.

Stress, Addictive Behaviours and Addiction

There are many different coping mechanisms that people use to cope with the pressure that comes with today’s modern lifestyle; with addictive behaviour unfortunately being one of the most common.

Alcohol and drug rehabilitation is not only for the hardened criminal or addict. Addiction finds its way into many a home, affecting people from all walks of life.

An Addict’s Guilt - Dealing with guilt during Addiction Recovery

Despite some misconceptions, addiction rehabilitation is ultimately a journey of strength, self-love and forgiveness.

Although there is a strong presence of pain, anger, guilt and shame, these are feelings or emotions that can be used as tools to overcome the past so that a happier future may be manifested.

Guilt is an extremely intense emotion and can contribute largely to the way we interact with ourselves and the people around us.

Manipulation & Addiction - Identifying and Avoiding Manipulation

Manipulation comes in many forms and is used by all kinds of people for many reasons. Emotional manipulation in particular is a strong point in people who have some form of addiction.

When dealing with an addict’s manipulative behaviour, it is important to bear in mind that addiction causes people to act outside of reason and logic.

The Benefits of Exercise in our Addiction Recovery Programme

Physical activity and substance abuse do not mix well together. In fact, most of the time, they can only exist individually. There are numerous addiction recovery activities that one can undertake as part of their journey, but the benefits of exercise in recovery are particularly extensive.

Regaining Trust in a Relationship after Drug Addiction

Regaining trust in a relationship after drug or alcohol rehabilitation treatment demands work and effort from both sides.

With hard work from both you and your partner it is possible to repair your relationship. However, it means patience on your part, and an open mind and zero resentment from your loved one.

Reaction vs Response - Understanding Emotional Triggers

Do you react or do you respond? For the most of us, we react.

We react with anger, sadness or anxiety. This normally results in us losing control of our emotions and inevitably the situation we find ourselves in.

The Power of a 12 Step Program at Step Away Rehabilitation Centre

There are very few places in the world, where you will find more honesty, support and courage than in an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meeting.

Attending a 12-step meeting is one of the most life-changing experiences you can have.

6 Ways to Increase your Dopamine Levels - Naturally!

“Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centres. Dopamine also helps regulate movement and emotional response, and it enables us not only to see rewards, but to take action to move toward them.” – Psychology Today

Escapism an appealing “substitute”, but is it really the wisest choice?

Often, we overlook the true impact of our emotions. We forget that our emotions are the things that drive us, whether it’s happiness, sadness, fear or anger.

We overlook the significance of our emotions, refusing to recognise why we felt that way or how that negative experience and its attached feeling has impacted our lives.

Because of this, we are never able to fully seek closure on a negative experience, allowing that experience to ripple out, inevitably affecting our lives for years to come.

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