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Posts Tagged 'illegal substances'

We are pleased to present below all posts tagged with 'illegal substances'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

I Whoonga where it came from?

Whoonga, also known as Nyaope, is the ‘new’ relentless drug tearing apart the lives of South Africans.

Initially found in the impoverished townships of Durban, Whoonga has filtered through South Africa leaving a trail of destruction behind it.

Escapism - addiction is a learned response

There are a number of reasons as to why individuals experiment with illegal substances.

With drug and alcohol abuse becoming more prevalent in South Africa, it is important for us to start identifying and addressing the key issues and causes of alcohol and drug addiction.

Generally speaking individuals typically take drugs either to experiment with feeling high or altered consciousness or as a form of escapism.

From Hero to Zero – Heroin is guaranteed to bring you down

Alcohol and drug dependency is a sad and ever-growing reality in South Africa.

Accessibility to illegal substances is at an all-time high, with children being exposed to all types of addiction (direct or indirect) from a very young age. Much evidence exists that substance dependency behaviour and its effects are passed down from generation to generation.

The range of drugs available to the average person on the street is alarming; the cost of drugs isn’t much of a problem as there are plenty of drugs available that are more affordable, with longer-lasting effects and with unsurprisingly far worse negative side-effects. 

How safe are MDMA and Ecstasy?

Although a lot of information is available there is little regard of the real impact of substance abuse on our lives. We often get questions to do with identifying what drugs are “bad” or “worse for you” and this is a true indication of how mislead our society truly is.

Much of modern media trivialises the harmful effects of drugs and thereby contributes to an environment where drug abuse is condoned and even encouraged.


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