Drug addiction and treatment
This blog allows us to share information about drug and alcohol abuse, as well as drug and alcohol abuse rehabilitation and about our drug and alcohol recovery centre.
There are many reasons why individuals begin taking drugs, and it isn’t uncommon for them to feel alone in their reasons and feelings of anguish.
However, there are common factors that play a role in all abusive behaviour.
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The human brain is extremely complex; because it is so delicate and fragile the slightest variation in chemical levels, process or structure has the potential to completely rearrange an individual’s persona, mental reasoning and understanding and in essence cause psychotic behaviour or episodes.
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide commonly known as LSD or acid is a psychedelic drug. This illegal substance, although non-addictive and found to cause no harm to the brain, can lead to acute psychotic reactions such as anxiety, paranoia and delusions.
Alcohol and drug dependency is a sad and ever-growing reality in South Africa.
Accessibility to illegal substances is at an all-time high, with children being exposed to all types of addiction (direct or indirect) from a very young age. Much evidence exists that substance dependency behaviour and its effects are passed down from generation to generation.
The range of drugs available to the average person on the street is alarming; the cost of drugs isn’t much of a problem as there are plenty of drugs available that are more affordable, with longer-lasting effects and with unsurprisingly far worse negative side-effects.
Although a lot of information is available there is little regard of the real impact of substance abuse on our lives. We often get questions to do with identifying what drugs are “bad” or “worse for you” and this is a true indication of how mislead our society truly is.
Much of modern media trivialises the harmful effects of drugs and thereby contributes to an environment where drug abuse is condoned and even encouraged.
Estrangement from society is one of the biggest factors that individuals that struggle with substance abuse face when trying to integrate back into an ordinary or somewhat normal lifestyle post their addiction and rehabilitation treatment.
After an individual accepts and candidly admits their addiction to a substance they are often faced with reactions of distrust and scepticism from their loved ones and their community, these responses are expected as there is a primarily negative stigma attached to the disease of addiction.
Marijuana is often referred to as a soft drug and the popular view is that it is harmless and definitely better for you than alcohol and cigarettes.
Marijuana has many names: Dope, Weed, Cannabis, Zol, Dagga, Spliff, Blunt, Ganja and Mary Jane. It is the most widely used illicit drug worldwide.
Considering the calming and relaxing effect the substance has on its users, it is understandable that many marijuana users believe that the drug is enlightening and even beneficial.
“Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations. This is reflected in an individual pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other behaviours.” – American Society of Addiction Medicine Board, April 19, 2011.
In this article we at Step Away Treatment Centre aim to bust a few myths and pop a few fantasies that are often mistaken for truths.
Rehabilitation centres are regularly faced with cases that involve individuals who unknowingly or ignorantly fell into addiction.
We are given the ability through social media to help educate and enlighten the public about drug and alcohol addiction and rehabilitation, our aim is to aid individuals in making accurately calculated choices and ensuring that all the necessary information about alcohol and drug addiction is available for anyone to use.
Information on substance abuse, the different types of substance abuse drugs and the effects they have on their user is not always easily available.
The topic of substance abuse, the different types of substance abuse drugs and the effects they have on their user plays a vital role in educating and informing both the younger generation and older generation on the dangers and risks of drug abuse.This article deals with Meth (tik) addiction and its treatment.
At Step Away Treatment Centre we aim to help equip individuals in making educated decisions about alcohol and drug abuse by sharing facts about substance abuse.
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