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Posts Tagged 'Alcohol addiction'

We are pleased to present below all posts tagged with 'Alcohol addiction'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Embracing Personal Recovery – Your Journey, Your Truth

While NA meetings provide a supportive community and a space for individuals to share their experiences, it is important to remember that what works for one person may not work for another. Recognizing and honoring our individuality is essential for maintaining our own recovery journey.

Self-Compassion in Recovery Learning to Love and Accept Yourself

Self-compassion involves treating oneself with kindness, understanding, and non-judgment, even in the face of personal struggles and setbacks. It requires recognizing one's own suffering, acknowledging it, and responding with empathy and care.

The Four Stages of Addiction Explained

A common misconception is that addiction happens overnight and there is no way to see it coming. However, when we look at the cycle of addiction and its different stages of evolution, we can see that there are many opportunities to identify it before it grabs hold and consumes us.

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Alcohol Every Night?

Alcohol plays a big role in the lives of many people. Light drinking can help you destress after a long day at work, it can elevate your mood temporarily and it may even help you sleep. You may think that having two or three drinks every day is not doing any harm, but the reality is that consistent and long-term alcohol use can be extremely detrimental to your mental and physical health.

5 Tips for Saying No to Alcohol When You are Trying to be Discreet

Alcohol is a big part of social interactions and often people struggle to enjoy a gathering without it. For someone who has a tendency towards alcohol abuse or addiction, these social situations can be problematic as they not only normalize excessive alcohol consumption but normalize it too.

Effects of Alcohol on the Brain as You Age

Alcohol affects us differently as we age. Some of the changes are more immediate and recognisable, such as intense hangovers after just one or two drinks. However, there are other effects that may not be as noticeable but can be extremely damaging in the long run.

Mood Changes After Giving Up Alcohol – What to Expect

Many of us turn to alcohol to help us cope with the pressures of daily life. It often helps ease anxiety; it makes us feel more social and sometimes boosts our overall mood. However, there is an underlying factor to consider when it comes to using alcohol to improve our mood – in the long run, alcohol negatively impacts our mood as it changes the way the brain works.

Season’s Greetings from Everyone at Step Away

Although 2020 will be remembered as one of the most challenging years the world has experienced in a long time, it will also be the year that we witnessed heroic acts of courage and determination.

The Alcohol Ban is Over – What Can We Expect?

Knowing how to navigate your way around the sudden availability of alcohol may prove to be challenging after weeks of prohibition.

Dealing with Alcohol Addiction During Lockdown in South Africa

The South African government has placed a nationwide ban on the sale of alcohol during the lockdown period, but how does this affect those with alcohol addiction during lockdown?

According to the World Health Organisation, South Africa has the fifth highest rate of alcohol consumption in the world.

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