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Extreme emotional vulnerability plays an active role during addiction recovery. During early stages of drug rehabilitation or alcoholism treatment, your emotions may become particularly harder to manage.
Resentment being one of the most common emotions during this time and also the most counter-productive. Resentment often stems from guilt or regret.
The dictionary defines a goal as “the object of a person’s ambition or efforts; an aim or desired result.” Considering this definition, it becomes apparent that goals form a vital role in our lives when it comes to our progress, drive and purpose.
Having goals gives us something substantial to focus on. It gives our lives greater purpose and meaning which is something that is strongly desired by most human beings.
To have a goal is to have a challenge and to have a challenge brings excitement and joy. It also helps us channel our energy towards something positive and advantageous.
Approximately 20% of alcoholics worldwide are highly functional, and are able to maintain the façade of their public lives, and their professional and personal relationships along with their jobs and responsibilities.
By maintaining their everyday lives at work and in public they avoid being labelled as having a drinking problem. , They are often hard-working, effective individuals who would never be assumed to have an alcohol addiction.
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