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Alcohol treatment and rehabilitation

Finding purpose and taking control of your life in the New Year

“Not feeling is no replacement for reality. Your problems today are still your problems tomorrow”
― Larry Michael Dredla

The early months of a New Year is the perfect time to talk about the importance of finding purpose in your life.

Purpose as a principal concept offers order and structure and helps us take control and understand our behaviour.

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Are you vulnerable to substance abuse and addiction?

The latest research in the neurobiology of addiction points to genetics as a major component of the addiction process.

One example is the deficiency in the gene that is responsible for the D2 subtype of the Dopamine Receptor. 

The deficiency acts to make the individual less receptive to the natural ‘feel-good’ effects of Dopamine.

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We don't hate social drinking

Making the conscious decision to stop drinking is not easy, because the desire to cut alcohol out of your life may be far less attractive than going with the flow.

For most people social drinking is a norm and many use it to "take the edge off" at the end of the working day.

However when does the social drinking become drinking excessively and to what extent does the edge become too risky to take?

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Are you an alcoholic? - Take this simple test

The AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) was developed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The test correctly classifies 95% of people into either alcoholics or non-alcoholics. It was tested on 2000 people before being published.

It is extremely reliable when it comes to assessing alcohol addiction.

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Prejudice or appropriate behaviour?

Estrangement from society is one of the biggest factors that individuals that struggle with substance abuse face when trying to integrate back into an ordinary or somewhat normal lifestyle post their addiction and rehabilitation treatment.

After an individual accepts and candidly admits their addiction to a substance they are often faced with reactions of distrust and scepticism from their loved ones and their community, these responses are expected as there is a primarily negative stigma attached to the disease of addiction.

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Through the eyes of an addict - making life most difficult

“Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations. This is reflected in an individual pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other behaviours.” – American Society of Addiction Medicine Board, April 19, 2011.

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Denial and its role in drug addiction and alcohol dependency and substance abuse help

Denial is a feature of any substance dependency, and although a commonly used term it is much misunderstood.

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Treating Alcoholism at Step Away

At Step Away Treatment Centre we believe alcoholism can be defined as the problematic use of alcohol.

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