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Alcoholism and alcohol dependence not only affect the person binge drinking but also the people around them.
It’s not easy to convince someone that they drink too much, nor is it easy to admit to yourself that you have a drinking problem.
In this article, our rehabilitation centre provides the common behaviours of someone who has a drinking problem. We hope that this information can be shared and used to help someone change their life.
I’ve relapsed before.
It was during a time when I thought I had it all together, my life was back on track, things were looking good, my future was bright… Yes, there were tough days, but I felt strong and ready to take on life’s challenges.
It’s no secret that your local drug dealer cares very little for you or any of their other loyal customers.
This becomes evident when you start looking at the quality of the drugs they sell, where they sourced them from and how much each substance is ‘cut’, in order to make more profit off each.
Today, is International Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Day.
In light of today, our team at Step Away Rehabilitation Centre felt it was necessary to address the severity of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and the impact it has on our children and country.
Foetal Alcohol Syndrome occurs when women abuse alcohol during pregnancy. Children exposed to alcohol during pregnancy then develop physical and mental disabilities, which severely affect their capabilities later on in life.
During the first year of your addiction recovery, there may come times when you feel you aren’t achieving the goals you had planned for yourself.
The first year can be challenging and it may feel as if you want to give up. However, during these times it is important to remember how far you have come and just how much better your life is free from substance abuse.
Step Away Rehabilitation Centre has developed a list of a few goals that we feel you can use as reminders and to help you stay on track of your recovery in the days and months to come.
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms or drug withdrawal symptoms is something every addict will experience.
Detoxification is a dangerous process. It is also generally unpleasant and can sometimes be extremely challenging for a person to overcome.
Therefore, it is critically important to your recovery that you ensure the rehabilitation centre that you choose is able to provide the support and medical assistance your recovery needs.
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