Today, is International Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Day.
In light of today, our team at Step Away Rehabilitation Centre felt it was necessary to address the severity of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and the impact it has on our children and country.
Foetal Alcohol Syndrome occurs when women abuse alcohol during pregnancy. Children exposed to alcohol during pregnancy then develop physical and mental disabilities, which severely affect their capabilities later on in life.
Information sourced from FAS Facts.
Often, the effects of alcohol abuse do not only effect the abuser but also the people around them. In the case of FAS, the effects of alcohol abuse during pregnancy ruin the lives of millions of innocent children, leaving them permanently impaired.
And the cycle of alcohol abuse is repeated, visiting the abusive habits of the fathers and the mothers on the succeeding generations until we can somehow make a change.
We at Step Away encourage you to spread awareness about the damaging effects of alcohol abuse on our families and our society:
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