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There are typically two rehabilitation options for substance abuse, namely inpatient and outpatient treatment.
Although both options are fundamentally focused on rehabilitation, each treatment option is designed to offer different types of support, for different levels of addiction.
We have addressed the concept of dual-diagnosis, which points at the co-occurrence of mental health disorders and substance abuse.
People who experience this co-occurrence will face a very unique set challenges throughout the recovery process.
While recovery related therapy involves different therapies which facilitate recovery, occupational therapy in particular is an extremely important element.
Experimentation during adolescence is normal; there are a number of changes that people have to adjust to. Teens explore their new interests, discover new social structures and adapt to some new physical changes.
Throughout the years of transition there is a greater vulnerability to addiction because of the social changes youth face and the development stages their brains go through.
These stages involve the development of the parts of the brain which are responsible for impulse control and decision-making, including parts which regulate instant gratification and emotional expression.
There are a number of reasons as to why individuals experiment with illegal substances.
With drug and alcohol abuse becoming more prevalent in South Africa, it is important for us to start identifying and addressing the key issues and causes of alcohol and drug addiction.
Generally speaking individuals typically take drugs either to experiment with feeling high or altered consciousness or as a form of escapism.
Information on substance abuse, the different types of substance abuse drugs and the effects they have on their user is not always easily available.
The topic of substance abuse, the different types of substance abuse drugs and the effects they have on their user plays a vital role in educating and informing both the younger generation and older generation on the dangers and risks of drug abuse.This article deals with Meth (tik) addiction and its treatment.
At Step Away Treatment Centre we aim to help equip individuals in making educated decisions about alcohol and drug abuse by sharing facts about substance abuse.
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