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Posts Tagged 'addicts'

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My enemy, my one true love.

You and your life matter.

We all have a story about the first time we used, drank or used and drank.
Back then we chose to use.
Back then we chose to drink.
But we also have a time in our lives when that all changed and we could no longer choose.

We are called addicts.
But we are more than addicts, we are people.
We love. We care. We feel. We fail.

Choosing the best rehab to avoid addiction recovery and treatment relapse

The success rate for first time recovery is currently only 20-30 percent in conventional talk therapy addiction treatment programmes.

Many patients recover after subsequent treatments, but with such alarming statistics it’s not surprising that many people think alcohol and drug addiction treatments are ineffective.

What makes Step Away Rehabilitation and Treatment Centre different?

Instant Gratification - alcohol and drug abuse vulnerability

Experimentation during adolescence is normal; there are a number of changes that people have to adjust to. Teens explore their new interests, discover new social structures and adapt to some new physical changes.

Throughout the years of transition there is a greater vulnerability to addiction because of the social changes youth face and the development stages their brains go through.

These stages involve the development of the parts of the brain which are responsible for impulse control and decision-making, including parts which regulate instant gratification and emotional expression.

Escapism - addiction is a learned response

There are a number of reasons as to why individuals experiment with illegal substances.

With drug and alcohol abuse becoming more prevalent in South Africa, it is important for us to start identifying and addressing the key issues and causes of alcohol and drug addiction.

Generally speaking individuals typically take drugs either to experiment with feeling high or altered consciousness or as a form of escapism.


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