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The latest research in the neurobiology of addiction points to genetics as a major component of the addiction process.
One example is the deficiency in the gene that is responsible for the D2 subtype of the Dopamine Receptor.
The deficiency acts to make the individual less receptive to the natural ‘feel-good’ effects of Dopamine.
The human brain is extremely complex; because it is so delicate and fragile the slightest variation in chemical levels, process or structure has the potential to completely rearrange an individual’s persona, mental reasoning and understanding and in essence cause psychotic behaviour or episodes.
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide commonly known as LSD or acid is a psychedelic drug. This illegal substance, although non-addictive and found to cause no harm to the brain, can lead to acute psychotic reactions such as anxiety, paranoia and delusions.
Methcathinone is a fairly new drug on the market; it has recently increased in popularity and has become one of the most commonly used illegal drugs in South Africa.
This illegal substance is known amongst it’s users as CAT, but is also referred to as Methedrone, khat, Methcathone, Drone, M-Kat, Ghetto Coke, meow-meow and Star Speed to name a few.
CAT is a synthetic form of the naturally-occurring stimulant drug, Cathinone, meaning that CAT attempts to imitate the high of the natural stimulant which is taken from the plant indigenous to the horn of Africa and the Southern Arabian Peninsula the "khat" plant, Cathula edulis.
Marijuana is often referred to as a soft drug and the popular view is that it is harmless and definitely better for you than alcohol and cigarettes.
Marijuana has many names: Dope, Weed, Cannabis, Zol, Dagga, Spliff, Blunt, Ganja and Mary Jane. It is the most widely used illicit drug worldwide.
Considering the calming and relaxing effect the substance has on its users, it is understandable that many marijuana users believe that the drug is enlightening and even beneficial.
It may not take too long to become an addict, but recovery takes a lifetime.
Rehab definitely isn’t for the faint-hearted and especially for the ones who incorrectly assume it will be an easy walk in the park.
Drug and alcohol rehabilitation involves an immense amount of self-discipline and dedication to break the habit.
We can help.
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