Substance abuse
There are very few places in the world, where you will find more honesty, support and courage than in an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meeting.
Attending a 12-step meeting is one of the most life-changing experiences you can have.
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“Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centres. Dopamine also helps regulate movement and emotional response, and it enables us not only to see rewards, but to take action to move toward them.” – Psychology Today
A study dating back to the 1970’s explains how changing an addict’s environment can help them overcome addiction and avoid relapsing.
The study, which was heavily contested in its time, is now regarded as significant to current concepts about how we can change behaviours and how addiction can be cured.
Often, we overlook the true impact of our emotions. We forget that our emotions are the things that drive us, whether it’s happiness, sadness, fear or anger.
We overlook the significance of our emotions, refusing to recognise why we felt that way or how that negative experience and its attached feeling has impacted our lives.
Because of this, we are never able to fully seek closure on a negative experience, allowing that experience to ripple out, inevitably affecting our lives for years to come.
Today, is International Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Day.
In light of today, our team at Step Away Rehabilitation Centre felt it was necessary to address the severity of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and the impact it has on our children and country.
Foetal Alcohol Syndrome occurs when women abuse alcohol during pregnancy. Children exposed to alcohol during pregnancy then develop physical and mental disabilities, which severely affect their capabilities later on in life.
Addiction and emotional immaturity are closely linked, with many addicts turning to using or drinking in order to escape their realities. The lack of emotional maturity is usually explained in terms of an attachment trauma or “relational” stress during childhood.
When there is a lack of appropriate direction and support from parents during childhood, a person cannot internalise suitable emotional controls, meaning they do not learn to control their internal emotional responses.
During addiction recovery, addicts begin to develop emotional skills they never had before.
During the first year of your addiction recovery, there may come times when you feel you aren’t achieving the goals you had planned for yourself.
The first year can be challenging and it may feel as if you want to give up. However, during these times it is important to remember how far you have come and just how much better your life is free from substance abuse.
Step Away Rehabilitation Centre has developed a list of a few goals that we feel you can use as reminders and to help you stay on track of your recovery in the days and months to come.
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms or drug withdrawal symptoms is something every addict will experience.
Detoxification is a dangerous process. It is also generally unpleasant and can sometimes be extremely challenging for a person to overcome.
Therefore, it is critically important to your recovery that you ensure the rehabilitation centre that you choose is able to provide the support and medical assistance your recovery needs.
For years, tranquilizers have been the go-to treatment for any person struggling with anxiety. Doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists prescribe them to just about anyone displaying the general set of symptoms associated with anxiety disorders.
From an outsider’s point of view, it may seem as if addiction only affects the person who is addicted. However, an addiction destroys a family just as much as it destroys the person addicted.
What people don’t see, is how mentally and emotionally exhausting it is to live with an addict.
Members of the family are often torn between trying to help their addicted loved one and how to avoid being used by the addicted love one.
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