Substance abuse - Stepaway Blog — Page 9
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Substance abuse

Rehabs South Africa - Living with addiction in the family

From an outsider’s point of view, it may seem as if addiction only affects the person who is addicted. However, an addiction destroys a family just as much as it destroys the person addicted.

What people don’t see, is how mentally and emotionally exhausting it is to live with an addict.

Members of the family are often torn between trying to help their addicted loved one and how to avoid being used by the addicted love one.

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Functional vs dysfunctional alcoholics

Functioning alcoholics are often not seen by their peers and loved ones as being alcoholics, because as their name suggests, they are functioning.

Unlike a dysfunctional alcoholic, functioning alcoholics generally appear to have their lives together. They are able to perform at their job, pay for expenses and maintain their overall day to day tasks.

In fact, because they are able to maintain their lives so well, people including themselves, will often overlook their drinking completely.

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Substance Abuse – Another warning about Ritalin Abuse

When people talk about substance abuse or drug abuse, they generally refer to harder, potent drugs such as Cocaine, Tik or Heroin.

Understandably so, as these drugs are illegal, and they do cause drug addiction, and we know they can cause serious physical, mental and psychological harm to users.

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CAT Drug Addiction and Recovery South Africa

Cat drug addiction, or addiction in general, doesn’t often begin as addiction.

For a lot of us, it began with friends at parties, through experimentation or peer pressure.

At first, it’s fun and exciting; but then taking drugs becomes more regular, the amount of drugs increases a little more each time and before you know it, you are taking drugs every weekend and you’ve developed a drug habit.

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