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Physical activity and substance abuse do not mix well together. In fact, most of the time, they can only exist individually. There are numerous addiction recovery activities that one can undertake as part of their journey, but the benefits of exercise in recovery are particularly extensive.
In 2002 the Medical Research Council (MRC) in South Africa reported in a national study that roughly 11 percent of all South African Children in grades 8 to 11 had used inhalants at least once.
South Africa has one of the highest HIV rates in the world, in addition to this, we have a substance abuse epidemic on our hands.
Often, we overlook the true impact of our emotions. We forget that our emotions are the things that drive us, whether it’s happiness, sadness, fear or anger.
We overlook the significance of our emotions, refusing to recognise why we felt that way or how that negative experience and its attached feeling has impacted our lives.
Because of this, we are never able to fully seek closure on a negative experience, allowing that experience to ripple out, inevitably affecting our lives for years to come.
When people talk about substance abuse or drug abuse, they generally refer to harder, potent drugs such as Cocaine, Tik or Heroin.
Understandably so, as these drugs are illegal, and they do cause drug addiction, and we know they can cause serious physical, mental and psychological harm to users.
While making the decision to stop your substance abuse is the biggest milestone to recovery, it’s not the only choice you will have to make on your path to good health and better life.
Choosing a good rehab centre in South Africa may appear easier than it is.
It’s not as simple as you’re an addict, here is a rehab, there is your recovery.
There are a few more aspects that need to be considered if you want to achieve your end goal, a life of sobriety.
Experimentation during adolescence is normal; there are a number of changes that people have to adjust to. Teens explore their new interests, discover new social structures and adapt to some new physical changes.
Throughout the years of transition there is a greater vulnerability to addiction because of the social changes youth face and the development stages their brains go through.
These stages involve the development of the parts of the brain which are responsible for impulse control and decision-making, including parts which regulate instant gratification and emotional expression.
There are a number of reasons as to why individuals experiment with illegal substances.
With drug and alcohol abuse becoming more prevalent in South Africa, it is important for us to start identifying and addressing the key issues and causes of alcohol and drug addiction.
Generally speaking individuals typically take drugs either to experiment with feeling high or altered consciousness or as a form of escapism.
The human brain is extremely complex; because it is so delicate and fragile the slightest variation in chemical levels, process or structure has the potential to completely rearrange an individual’s persona, mental reasoning and understanding and in essence cause psychotic behaviour or episodes.
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide commonly known as LSD or acid is a psychedelic drug. This illegal substance, although non-addictive and found to cause no harm to the brain, can lead to acute psychotic reactions such as anxiety, paranoia and delusions.
Estrangement from society is one of the biggest factors that individuals that struggle with substance abuse face when trying to integrate back into an ordinary or somewhat normal lifestyle post their addiction and rehabilitation treatment.
After an individual accepts and candidly admits their addiction to a substance they are often faced with reactions of distrust and scepticism from their loved ones and their community, these responses are expected as there is a primarily negative stigma attached to the disease of addiction.
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